Alhamdullilah, I managed to fast a few days this month.
Been busy with the kids. Adik has started her porridge intake, so I feed her porridge twice a day for lunch and around 5pm. In the morning, she takes either Nestle's Oats and Prunes or Brown rice with Milk or Wheat and Honey. At night, she takes solely milk. Alhamdullilah, her appetite for food and milk is so far good.

Last Friday, mum was rushed to CGH's ICU as her heart nearly collapse. There was too much water in her lungs. Her heart could not pump for oxygen. I broke down upon hearing the news when my bro called me at 3am.
When mummy was at the hospital, I was totally in charge of my kids well being E.g their food. Made me realise how much dependant I am on my mum and how often I turn to her for her opinions and advice.
I felt feverish without mummy, something didnt feel right but luckily hubby was very supportive. I felt lost, but I calmly took charge and I guess these are things we go through in order to grow and mature.
Doctors wanted Mummy to stay in the ward for another 2 weeks but Alhamdullilah, we managed to convince the DRs to discharge mummy.... so now she can rest on her own bed.
She still has more check ups to go to as an outpatient. We are all watching her diet and ensuring she takes her medicines. Low salt and Low sugar food and due to her water retention, she can only drink 1 litre of water and no more.
I love my mum very much and so does my son and the rest of my siblings. I am praying her kidneys aren't as bad as the dr's said it to be and we can lead our lives normally again.
Goes to show how important it is to watch our diet before we fall ill.
Abang or rather my dear Little Habib, turned 3 years old a few days ago. Since I am not working now, and we don't spend as lavishly anymore, we had a simple celebration for him at his school with his requested chocolate cake and packed some goodybags for his classmates.
We also bought him a blue BMX bicycle from a shop in Tampines. He was of course contented with his gift. Mamu Bai gave him colour pencils and colouring books and Dada and Tok gave some cash. Alhamdullilah, lucky boy.

I am still going through my life, trying to be a good wife and mother. Still sending out my resumes to any job vacancies I find interesting. I am leaving it up to Allah's Hands. If he plans for me to work, than I shall. If not, I will keep praying that our finances are protected and go through my life with whatever we have and continue taking care of the kids on my own.
Insya'allah....May HE plans the best for me.
Assalamualaikum sis,
How is your mum doing these days? I pray that her health has become much better. You're undergoing a tough time, however be strong sis. There is goodness behind all these. Have faith in Allah S.W.T and He shall provide for us especially in our time of need. Take care!
Dear Sis,
I really wish your mum a speedy recovery! And you take care too!
Anyway, I am back
Hajar: Mum is still weak and need Compleate rest in Bed and tis morning, the maid ran away. Im bz helping out with the chores at my parents place while taking care of the kids. Indeed, its tough times for us now. Really hope my dad can get a replacement maid soon.. : ((
Hajira: Thanks for your doa sis..oh wow..ok when Im free, I'll go take a look. Hugs.
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