what with the miscarriage, and the 9 months of morning sickness, then came the bad news of losing my job....
I could have easily lost my faith and go nonchalant on my Iman and walk away, in which Alhamdullilah I have not....
so when a friend changed her lifestyle and told me religion is no longer important to her due to some incident which happened in her life, I literally broke down........... cos of all the people that I know, I didn't expect it to come from her...
I pondered for awhile what should I do to this friend, someone whom once I considered my best pal when it comes to attending religious functions of the Ulama's...
heck, we even went to visit Hababa Nur together, sat together hearing pearls of wisdom from the wife of Habib Umar Bin Hafiz , gaining a huge honour to visit a wali Allah who came from Hadramaut and sitting alongside many solehas who were there in their black purdahs...
I remembered those moments at Masjid Aleem Siddique.... Now I can only smile, pray and hope she will eventually come back to the right path..I realised, no amount of my advise have helped her, so I leave it in God's hands...one think for sure, I cannot give up on her....because, I myself do not know how I'm going to end this life and leave it to go to the next realm... We can all only pray for husnul khotima and pray to be on the right path and pray that Rasullulah (saw) don't walk away from us....
.................... well back to my own life... Im currently job hunting, abit depressing being jobless at a time like this... but in turn, I get to watch the kids grow up...
Little Habib is in Genting Highlands right now... enjoying his time with his grandparents while I look after his sister....
I did put Adik at my MIL's house and went dating with the hubster, we went to Teleshop where I bought the E71, then we had lunch at PastaMania at Orchard Cineleisure and had strawberry smooties and Tiramisus...It was so funny... we actually felt so free and remember this was how life was without the kids....
well.... Im sure those couple time will come back eventually when the kids become more independant and start doing their own things and Ummi and Abah can concentrate on each other more....
When Habib Salim Asytiri was here, he reminded us to look after our kids, know what they are doing behind us... take care of the girls, watch what they wear.. make effort to bring them to majlis Ilmu... a person who goes of to attend a majlis Ilmu is protected by the wings of the angels.... yes, its real those wings...huge and massive sheltering us...we just dont see it....
Insya'allah...I feel that when we have the right Intentions, Allah (swt) will help us in raising the kids.. Of cos the little dissapointments that we have with them and the patience that we have to have when raising our kids are all tests from Allah (swt)......
Looking at Adik, just makes me want to be a good Ummi and be a good role model to her..I hope I can do it.. Insya'allah...
Adik at 2 months....
She has started to make conversations with us.. those baby sounds... baby giggles and baby talks....and she has started to laugh and smile .....
salaam Ummi,
masya allah, she's sooo adorably cute....gerammmmmmnye ! how time flies...adik is already two mths....
Salaam Ummi,
Carbon copy of your hubby and Lil Habib. Dun worry! They will change in their looks one day. If you observe carefully, certain angle look like different people from either side of your hubby or your side. Subhanallah!
Have a great motherhood time!
Ummu Mukhtaar
SO MUCH like Hijaz now, ARGH...!!! Why cant she just look like the Ummi with big fairs and fair skin!! :(
Sis Nor: True... time flies... masya'allah..soon, she'll be able to walk, dance and charm us even more...awwww.....
Ummu Mukhtaar and Lycc : yarlor.... how come look like her Abah and not her Ummi eh???? Y Y Yyyyyyy?????
oklah... i just have to be thankful and pray that she's healthy and smart no matter who she looks like....
Yah... Asyura looked more to Abg Hijaz and Yasir. Hehehe...darah Tok Rahman kuat lah!
now she's looking so much like Yasir...
What hababa nur said nearly but didn't save me from impending doom. Unfortunately.
Salam Ummi, ur Asyura (simply love her eyes) seems to look more like her brother and masha Allah, how she has grown. My boy too has grown much. For a 2 mth old he weighs like a 4 mth old. I agree with u dat itz a bliss 2 have couple time and a time to spend with d 2nd child. Cherish d time with ur kids while waiting to land a job :-)
Aah! Photocopy of abang Yasir!! :D
They look so alike! *eyes big big*
Assalamualaikum sis,
Sorry to know about the disclosure of your friend. It is frightening when these things happen. Alternatively, even after you've gone through all that, you kept steadfast to the Deen. Alhamdulillah. :)
Your little bundle of joy is beautiful! May Allah S.W.T guide her to be a muslimah solehah. :)
Hid : sometimes she does looks like me..abit Indian look...well, these are all determined by our creator, so I shall not question it again.
Anonymous friend : they morph into different looks in their first year...heh...
Take your time sis... It can be regain back slowly....
Awalliah : wow...yr boy must be drinking lots of milk kan..my baby seems petite lah...but she does drink lots of bm...yes, I wish I can remain with them at home..alas, our country is such that its best to have a 2 income family....
Ummu Nabil : Arghhh u also think so? not *eyes big big* but *forhead high high*...LOL!
Hajar : Yes its scary and it just goes to show that Iman can be gained and lost and we just have to keep holding on to our Iman thightly....
Amiin to your doa ! : )
Adik is cute! comel sekali!!
Masya allah. She looks so much like her brother :)
Good to know that you're doing well.
Have a blessed week ahead.
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Ummi,
May your friend find her way back again, insya'Allah.
Masya'Allah ... your little gal is sooo adorable :)
Hope to be able to carry her one day :)
She's got the sweetest smile...<3!
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