I begin with - Al fateha

Friday, November 7, 2008


Alhamdullilah, it was Friday...

Claimed my day off today and had the chance to take care of my son while my parents went to JB.

Had lotssa fun, feeding my son breakfast, bathing him, watching cartoons with him and funny part was when I went to the bathroom to do some 'big business', he was standing beside me grunting and doing his own big business as well. It was a funny moments for the both of us... haha.....

Well, It was nice having a break from work and just spending quality time with Little Habib. I noticed he has grown....These are the moments working mums treasure the most... biarpun sedikit waktu yang ku dapat bersama anakku tapi biarlah waktu yang sedikit itu diberkati Allah (swt)...

while I was reading the papers, he was reading the papers as well.... macam so grown up gitu.. Masya'Allah.. time flies....

Today, I also got a chance to learn that the people you depend on the most can be the person who will leave you when you are in need of help.
The person who smile at you, can be the one 'bitching' about you.
Hubby reminded me again of "Fair Weather" people. Makes me wonder, who else can I trust when the closest has betrayed my trust...
It can be rather dissappointing at times, not to mention hurtful but life is like that.....
It good to remind myself that Allah (swt) is the only one that I should depend on rather than any human beings.
Hasbunallah Wa Ni'Mal Wakil.
Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad
Innallàha wa malâikatahû yusallûna 'alan-nabiyy, yâ ayyuhalladhîna âmanû sallû alayhi wa sallimû taslîmâ. (Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect.) 33:56


Anonymous said...

Ditto to your last line...its to Allah we turn to...,begin with and return to...

Cutenyer dia baca suratkabar...baca apa tu?..ehee...glad you have been enjoying yrself with him:)

Ummi's Blog said...

Salaams Kak...
yeah its true, no one else will understand us fully except Allah (swt)..i wonder how come there are ppl out there who go belajar ugama etc but akhlak is still bad... hmm...

dia tengah tengok gambar mickey mouse in the newspaper..hehe...

Anonymous said...

Walaikumussalam Ummi..kak seri banun sent your regards to me semalam...thank you for thinking about me dik!ehee..so near yet so far gitu kan:)))
Insya'Allah dik..they will change for good someday..bila pergi belajar mesti buat niat yg betul...make sincere and right intentions as to why we want to seek ilmu...penting tu...insya'Allah..oh..mickey mouse..dah besar sikit baca tang politics eh..eheee..cute arr..

Ummi's Blog said...

Kak... fyi, I always think of you, kak banun, kak rina, ustazah Muna....macam i admire u ladies alot.... hehe...

sayang lah u dont blog now...i wonder what u are doing sometimes..hehe.

Anonymous said...

Insya'Allah Ummi..ada rezeki n jodoh..boleh join kelas ngan kita semua ok..
I don't blog anymore pat sriberry...tu je..eheee..take care sis :)