Mother of UFO !
me kissing my little naughty but cute son in the Singapore Flyer.
Alhamdullilah, on the last day of Bulan Sya'aban, a day before the blessed month of Ramadhan greeted us, hubby and me brought our son out for some quality family time. I'm glad I chose to be with my family rather than be somewhere else. GOD has made me make the right decision !In the morning, we went to Explorer Kids with Little Habib's friends... unfortunately, this time our dear son was clingy and was afraid to go into the maze and kept crying and wanting me by his side. Spoiler..Lucky it was a free ticket...thanks hor Ummu Mukhtaar, next time , we treat Little Mukhtaar for Singapore Flyer. After a nice lunch at Simpang Bedok with our friends, we went home where the 3 of us "pengsan" and rested. After magrib, the 3 of us + mum and Massy went to take a ride on the "Mother of UFO" ..... Yeah, thats what Littel Habib calles the Singapore Flyer...
We had so much fun.....Little Habib enjoyed it so much.. The scenery at night was Sooooo much better ! I dont recommend day flights....
Little Habib can spot the water ( singapore river ) from way up there ! He ran around the capsule and entertained us and the others in there...He loved the scenery, and hubby and me really enjoyed looking at him.....Im so happy that my son is happy.... Alhamdullilah...He is starting to understand things..its makes going on outings much more fun !
We brought my mum along. I was glad my mum enjoyed the ride, and that Little Habib was happy going out with his Dadima... May Allah (swt) grant my mum a long and heathly life. I love her so much, I relish every minute we get to spend together !
I wish you lots of happiness for the year to come and may Allah grant you Rizk in many different forms...Ramadhan Mubarak!
Jazak'allah Khairan sister...Ramadhan Mubarak... May you and your "ahem" be bless with much happiness too... amiin.
Ramadhan Mubarak! we had a great time at Explorer Kid, but I think Nabil was a little traumatised by the slides we took with him. Heh.
Like I told you, my hubby still breaks out into sudden laughter when he recalled seeing me flying out of the spiral slide in a ridiculous manner. Your hubby pon ada dgn Little Habib time tu. Paisey, man...
That maze is for adults, I tell ya!! LOL..
Insya Allah we'll go there again. Thanks for introducing that place to us :)
Ummu Nabil : Ramadhan Mubarak to you too...
sounds fun, it will be a long while before I can be in that maze..heh...
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