I was on leave last Friday, and since it was pay-day, mum and me went to Toys R Us to buy Little Habib a few toys and clothes for the hot summer weather..... Bought him the latest 'it' toy called " Aqua Doodle ", where you just fill the pen with water and you can use it to write on the square material that they provide... the best part is the pen cannot stain anythings else like walls and flooring while he practise to draw and write.But Little Habib didn't seem to be interested in it... Also bought him a doodle board. He just scribbled away and he seemed fascinated that he can slide the eraser to wipe it all off.....Trying to get him to know numbers and alphabets, which he cannot pronounce any yet.... But if I show him 1 or 2 or 3 or A, he can point, but he cant say it yet....
Then on Friday night, on our way to In Laws place, we were stopped by the TP for not having a child seat. Little Habib was with me at the back, yet still, we were fined and received demerit points.. heart pain lah : ( .... but sebagai orang yang beriman, we must always think good and maybe Allah (swt) was saving us from even a bigger heartache.... and the power of protection is always in GOD's hands.... so we redha, eventhough I wished, we could have been let off with just a warning....
So Saturday morning, we went to Baby Hypermart and got this child seat, similar to Toddler Nabil's... It's Babysheild but in Blue. At first, Little Habib cried and seemed very upset that he cannot move freely in the car anymore....I had to sit next to him to give him "moral support"....
By the second day, he knew that the child seat was his and he automatically sat on it. I just have to have him hold a book or a toy, and he will gaze at the window quietly. Alhamdullilah, now I sit in front while hubby drives.
We went over to Sengkang for a play date with Nabil and also to catch up with our good friends. It was a long drive, but the place was relatively easy to find. Nabil is now taller than Little Habib, thats the first thing I noticed. Must be the lack of calcium that my boy takes in.
I also noticed that they both warmed up quite fast and played together, but my boy was more interested in trucks and toys and Nabil was more interested in doodling.... At one point, I saw Little Habib grabbed Nabil and shove him around but Nabil didn't retaliate.... Hmm I wonder why my boy did that?
It was really nice seeing Nabil so active and cheerful and dancing and laughing like his little Elmo... I think Little Habib enjoyed himself too.... Insya'allah... I pray that they will continue being friends just like the bapaks... The one major difference is Nabil is a Red Devil and Little Habib is a Red.... hee. Cute !
It's so cute to watch them together lah :D Little Habib makes me wanna squeeze him! Hee.. I think it's a boy thing that they like anything with wheels.
Dear, don't worry too much about height at this age :) Puberty is still to come, and they'll probably shoot up. Who knows Little Habib might be the lankier one in the end? ;) Bole jadik model! (I was 155cm when I was 11 years old & that's kinda tall for that age, but by the time I stopped growing I was around 159cm only! Katek jugak! Hehe..)
It was good meeting you guys again!
Hee hee..really nothing to squeeze cos hes getting bonnier....
You know, I really shd stop comparing cos its not fair to little Habib that I compare him with boys his age. Yeah, who knows, bila masuk NS, he will shoot up..hehe...I really shdnt expect much too since both me and hubby are only abt 1.6+ m tall...
: )
salam ummi! thnks for dropping by my blog. sorry to hear that you got a ticket for not having a car seat, mmg ada hikmahnya kan. and wishing you a wonderful journey on ur 2nd pregnancy!
Salaams anne...
yes yes, I love yr blog...and I like seeing NUNU..she reminds me of my son... stubborn and cute !! haha.....
Thanks thanks ..doa kan eh...
Salam sis,
masya'Allah... ur little habib is so cute... i love the pix of him sitting quietly in the car :)
Salaams sis.. yeah he can be so cute at times.... alhamdullilah....
Kids are a blessings eh no matter how tiring it is sometimes...
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